"Maldita Castilla" Game Dec 19, 2013 Maldita Castilla is an awesome indie retro game based on Ghost´n´Goblins and it is available for Ubuntu! Just extract this file and click in the runner file. Controls are: left cursor, right cursor, Z (fire) and X (jump). See trailer. Enjoy it! :) I found it in Esos treintañeros jugones y sus nostalgias.
How can I send a bug for Ubuntu 14.04? Dec 8, 2013 #!/usr/bin/env python from datetime import date def todo(what): print(what) while True: # Yes, infinite feeling todo('Don\'t search in [LP](https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=bugs+14.04&field.actions.search=Search). Search in Google by [_Ubuntu Trusty bugs_](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+bugs) and not by [_Ubuntu 14.04 bugs_](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-14.04)') todo('Just click in [_Report a bug_](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+bugs)') todo('Read an [awesome page](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs) over 4.000 words about how to fill bugs') if date.today() == date([2014, 04, 17](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule)): # It was not really infinite :) todo('``Do something else!') break I'm sorry, but it is frustrating not being able to help by an infinite loop :)
Install OwnCloud in your Cubieboard with Ubuntu Nov 29, 2013 Do you have your Ubuntu installed into your CubieBoard? Run this command in a Terminal (it'll be as for your mySQL password): sudo apt-get install owncloud davfs2 mysql-server Create a database in mySQL: https://your-domain/phpmyadmin Give privilegies to your owncloud data directory: sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /path_data_owncloud  Enable SSL: sudo ufw allow https sudo a2enmod ssl a2ensite default-ssl sudo a2ensite default-ssl Visit your domain as: https://your-domain/owncloud or (better with https) ...
How install Ubuntu into a CubieBoard and expand the NAND partition to 4GB Nov 28, 2013 I have a CubieBoard 1 with a A10 CPU. Install Ubuntu into the NAND You can install a distro into a microSD card or into the internal NAND memory. For the best performance install Ubuntu into the NAND, you'll have 4GB and you can attach an external hard disk or the integrated microSD too. You can install an Ubuntu image into the NAND with the LiveSuit app. I installed Lubuntu Server with LiveSuit app for Windows (My Cubie didn't enter in the FEL Mode with LiveSuit for Linux). ...
Migrating home server from Raspberry PI to CubieBoard with Ubuntu Nov 22, 2013 I have 2 Raspberry PI, they are great, but I missed Ubuntu on them. Now I get a CubieBoard. CubieBoard CONS: Price (Cubie ~49$ vs Raspberry ~25$) Less community/hacking CubieBoard PROS: Faster CPU (300Mhz more) Double RAM (1GB DDR3) Integrated port for a SATA hard disk (With a SATA disk use charger like Nexus 7. Without SATA disk, you can power it with a normal miniUSB by example from your router. ...
Evento de Ubuntu España: Partida de Teeworlds Nov 20, 2013 Pasado mañana, viernes 22 de noviembre del 2013 a las 19:30 horas, Ubuntu España organiza una partida online al juego Teeworlds. Partee worlds! ;P ¡Estás convidado! :) + info.
A Teeworlds dedicated server with Ubuntu and autostart on boot Nov 12, 2013 I installed it in Xubuntu 12.04 and in a Raspberry PI with Raspbian/Debian. You'll not need to use ‘screen’ and Teeworlds will be a service in the system. Let's go! Install teeworlds: sudo apt-get install teeworlds teeworlds-server Create directory and set the firewall: sudo mkdir -p /var/games/teeworlds sudo ufw allow 8303 Create the Teeworlds config file: sudo vi /var/games/teeworlds/teeworlds\_srv.cfg Paste these lines, by example: sv\_name Ubuntu Teeworlds Server sv\_motd Welcome! sv\_gametype ctf sv\_warmup 0 sv\_map ctf1 sv\_max\_clients 12 sv\_scorelimit 1000 sv\_rcon\_password your\_password\_here sv\_timelimit 20 sv\_port 8303 sv\_external\_port 8303 sv\_max\_clients 12 sv\_tournament\_mode 0 sv\_teamdamage 0 sv\_powerups 1 logfile /var/log/teeworlds-server. ...
Teeworlds oficial servers Nov 9, 2013 master1.teeworlds.com master2.teeworlds.com master3.teeworlds.com master4.teeworlds.com
Instalar unrar-nonfree - Configurando Raspberry 14 Nov 5, 2013 En /etc/apt/sources.list añadimos los fuentes: deb https://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free rpi deb-src https://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free rpi Ejecutamos: sudo apt-get update `sudo apt-get build-dep unrar-nonfree sudo apt-get source -b unrar-nonfree` Fuente.
Autobackups - Configurando Raspberry 13 Nov 5, 2013 Creamos un directorio backup en el que copiaremos de nuestro home a nuestro disco duro externo: mkdir /media/path/backup y en nuestro home creamos este fichero: mkdir ~/scripts cd ~/scripts vi run_backup.sh ``————- #!/bin/bash fecha has a formated date fecha=date +"%d-%m-%Y" Backup and gzip the directory tar zcvf /media/path/backup/copia-$fecha.tgz /home/path_a_copiar Rotate the logs, delete older than 7 days find``` /media/path/backup/ `` -mtime +15 -exec rm chmod +x run_backup.sh``` Y lo añadimos a la contrab para que se ejecute cada sábado a las 6:25 la madrugada: ...