Folder Color ♥ RAVEfinity artwork

Folder Color will use the professional RAVEfinity artwork for the folder icons from now!

Are there more improvements? Yes :)

  • Emblems: You can easily spotting a folder with emblems too!
  • Icons in menu: Icons in the contextual menu (you have to enable it in the system).

RAVEfinity icons & emblems

Tip: You can to add/remove/modify colors/emblems, adding/removing/editing files here (you always need /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/places/folder_color_custom.svg):
   /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/places/folder_color_*.svg    /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/emblems/folder_emblem_*.svg
By example, if you create this file:
This will create a new “Emails” emblem in the Folder Color menu (with the Ubuntu default theme).

Install Folder Color in Ubuntu: How to.

From here, I want to thank RAVEnifity their willingness and enthusiasm with Folder Color!