How to print a document created with uWriter

Now you can print your documents created in uWriter from your PC.

0.18 Print documents!

Setup: Enable access to your documents from a PC in an easy way:

In you phone's Terminal run this command:
ln -s /home/phablet/.local/share/uwp.costales/ /home/phablet/Documents/uWriter

Command just to be ran in the Terminal

This will create a link between ~/Documents/uWriter and /home/phablet/.local/share/uwp.costales

You'll do this step just one time. Now is easy to navigate to the uWriter folder in your PC.

Connect your phone or tablet to the PC via USB and navigate to the uWriter folder (~/Documents/uWriter):

Your documents are saved as *.html

Open one document with  your favourite web browser

You document opened (in this case Firefox)

Print it!

That's all :) Enjoy it!