And first day of the Ubucon Paris!
When I arrived there were a lot of public in all areas.
Install Party area
I was attended a Quesh talk, an introduction to the community.
Quesh's talk
After that Didier told us about the Snappy packages. Looks great.
Didier's talk
Then I was to eat and I saw Nicolas in there. Nicolas is a so great guy. I was speaking with he a few hours.
Nicolas and me
And then, I speak a bit about the 1st uNav's anniversary :) And in there was a big big big surprise from the Ubuntu Party members :)) They come with uNav and Ubuntu presents and they were singing happy birdthay :') Because of 10 years of Ubucon Paris and 1 year of uNav :)) (You guys are the best!).
And after that, it was the dinner time. So many members in the same restaurant.
Presents from Ubuntu Paris
This was a great first day event. And tomorrow will be the last day of the Ubucon Paris.