Marcos Costales

apps- Clipboard content to file. New app
- How to upgrade Telegram if you installed it from the package telegram-desktop
- Unav 3 is here!
- Ubuntu 20.04: Sustituir Nautilus por Nemo
- Yaru & Folder Color in Ubuntu 20.04
- Install Netflix on Kodi
- uNav 0.75: A libre GPS navigator for your libre pocket device!
- Píldora snap: Crea una aplicación snap en 5 minutos
- Folder Color now has emblem file support
- New Folder Color release!
- uNav powered by Mapzen! Raising from the darkness thanks to UBPorts!
- How config a wekan snap
- A new hope for Ubuntu Phone: The community
- New uNav for Ubuntu Phone
- Papirus & Folder Color
- uNav for Ubuntu. Video spot
- How to print a document created with uWriter
- A new uWriter for Ubuntu Phone
- uWriter for Ubuntu Phone: A basic offline word processor
- From uNav with ❤ to OpenStreetMap
- New uNav 0.35: Sharing Ubuntu everywhere
- A new uNav is here! A GPS Navigator for Ubuntu Phone
- New uNav! Only for your Ubuntu Phone!
- ANoise Player: Relájate | Concéntrate
- ANoise Player: Relax | Concentrate
- Folder Color ♥ RAVEfinity artwork
- Ubuntu MATE & Folder Color
- Folder Color y el poder de la comunidad
- Folder Color is themable now
- Folder Color: New custom color for each folder
- Firefox Search Engine for Explain Shell web page
- Programa PADRE: Hacer la Declaración de la Renta 2013 con Ubuntu 14.04
- PYLang: Practice Languages with Ubuntu
- "Folder Color" app: Change the color of your folders in Ubuntu
- Emulate Guake in Windows 7 with SuperPutty
- Buscador web de Torrents para Android
- New Gufw 13.10!
- Firefox (fennec) for Samsung Galaxy ACE (GT-S5830)
- Libre Projects - Free web services
- Plugin subtítulos en Totem con Ubuntu 11.10
- How can you create a Transmission blocklist rules?
- Problemas con la latitud y longitud de mySQL con Google Maps